Monthly Archives: June 2010

What is Invacare?

Invacare Medical Supplies for the Home & Family

Invacare Medical Supply is the leading manufacturer of home medical supplies and equipment. Invacare has helped people for 125 years. With global distribution, Invacare is a leader in home medical products and long term care medical products. Best-known for their mobility products and medical respiratory products, they provide the following medical equipment and supplies listed by category with links to more information:

Bariatric Products

Invacare Tracer Wheelchair

  1. Hospital Bed
  2. Manual Wheelchairs
  3. Transport Wheelchairs
  4. Canes

Beds and Bed-Related Products

Invacare Bed Rail

  1. Bed Rails
  2. Home Care Hospital Beds
  3. Mattress Overlays
  4. Hospital Bed Sheets
  5. Mattresses
  6. Overbed Tables
  7. Traction Equipment
  8. Trapeze Equipment
  9. Support Pillows


Invacare Pronto M91

  1. Folding Cane
  2. Scooters
  3. Rollator Walkers


Invacare SOLO2 Transportable Oxygen Concentrator

  1. Nebulizer
  2. Oxygen Therapy
  3. Sleep Therapy
  4. Pulse Oximeter
  5. Oxygen Cylinders
  6. Oxygen Tubing

Self-Care and Patient Aids

Invacare Careguard Shower Chair

  1. Bath Safety
  2. Commodes
  3. Commode Chair
  4. Shower Chair
  5. Shower Bench

Most Invacare Products are carried by Vitality Medical and can be found in their online catalog. Go to the Vitality Medical website and look for the product you want. If you don’t find it, contact Vitality Medical toll-free at 800-397-5899 and they will track it down for you. You can order online and your product will be delivered to your door.

Who Provides Innovative Mobility Aids? — Stander!

Safety Living Aids for Happy Families

Aging adults have a variety of different concerns than the rest of the population. As our population continues to age, many individuals are interested in how they can improve the quality of their life while still maintaining their independence. To satisfy these needs, many organizations are beginning to strive to produce products and services attractive to seniors.

Stander manufactures some of the best and most innovative care safety products for seniors. They keep working on new ways to make life easier for older people who want to stay in their own homes and for the people who care about them. Their products help people stay safe in the bathroom, get in and out of the car more easily, and use walkers more advantageously.

Standers Curve Grab Bar

They don’t create and market products only for seniors. For example, they’ve just come out with toddler bed rails to keep the little ones safe. They are customer-oriented and very often use a customer’s suggestion to create a new product. The one word that defines them best: innovative.

Following are some of the products they produce and market listed by category with links to more information:

Bathroom Safety Products

  1. Security Pole
  2. Curve Grab Bar

Safety Bed Rails

  1. EZ Adjust Bed Rail
  2. Standers 30 Inch Safety Bed Rail

  3. 30” Safety Bed Rail
  4. Bed Rail Advantage
  5. Children’s Bed Rail and Sports Pouch
  6. Bed Cane
  7. Bed Caddie

Couch and Chair Safety

  1. Assist-a-Tray
  2. Couch Cane
  3. Standers CouchCane

  4. Lever Extender
  5. Recliner Riser
  6. Mr. Big Chair
  7. Furniture Riser

Vehicle Related

  1. Car Caddie


  1. Metro Walker
  2. Standers Metro Walker 4100

With these products, many seniors are able to not only extend the amount of time that they are capable of living independently, but they dramatically improve the quality of their life.

Stander only sells through retailers, and Vitality Medical offers their products in their online Mobility Aids catalog, Bed Assit Rails catalog, and their Daily Living Aids Catalog. To order, simply go to the Vitality Medical website and choose the product you want. If we don’t happen to have it in stock, we’ll track it down for you and deliver it to your door.

Technorati Code: XXKJJHEBTR3G

What is a gait transfer belt?

The increased risk with mobility for the aged or disabled.
Improving Mobility Problems with Gait Transfer Belts
As we age our mobility diminishes because of the body’s susceptibility to joint and muscle aliments. For most elderly, moving around on their own is with great risk. In order to prevent falls and broken bones, the assistance of a caregiver or family member is essential. Often injuries still result to the elderly even with assistance because of their fragility, balance or weight problems. Caregivers who assist the aged or other people with decreased mobility are also subject to injury when attempting to prevent the person from falling or stumbling. In other words, both the person being cared for and the caregiver are at risk.

Reducing risk with gait transfer belts.
Gait Transfer Belts Prevent Injuries to Patients and Caregivers
The risk associated with assisting elderly people with their mobility can be significantly reduced with inexpensive devices designed to help. Gait Belts can help caregivers provide mobility assistance for the elderly so that they can move around or transfer from a hospital bed to a wheelchair, bath or toilet. Gait belts make it safer for both the elderly and the caregiver. These special devises provided hand holds for the caregiver to grab and use to steady the elderly patient. Gait belt use is not restricted to only the elderly; it is also used with people of all ages recovering from injuries or surgeries and for people who have special needs. The ease and simplicity in using a gait belt has made it a great choice for caretakers at medical institutions and also at homes to move elderly as well as injured people around. It is also used in rehabilitation as a support.

How are gait transfer belts constructed?

A gait transfer belt can be made from a variety of materials. The most commonly used ones today are made from cotton to be more comfortable to the wearer. The belt is fastened around the waist of the patient with a buckle. There are many different variations of Transfer Belts available on the market. A common variation of the gait belt is one made from nylon or other synthetic material that is easily cleanable. The recent fear that gait belts may help spread infections has compelled many hospitals and care centers to shift over to these synthetic types because synthetic materials can be easily disinfected and sanitized by simply cleaning with soapy water. You can also find a full size life vest which has belts and loops to further simplify the transfer of patients from wheelchair to bed and vice-versa. A traditional cotton variant will cost around $6 to $10, while the synthetic ones cost around $25. The life vest variant cost $150 or more.

How do gait belts work?

Posey Transfer Belts Holding the hand to provide support or using the walls and furniture to help move an elderly person around can be unsafe as the support required to hold their fragile legs up is minimal. The right way to do this is by using a gait belt. It helps the care taker in keeping the person upright and in also maneuvering them around.  Sometimes more than one caretaker maybe required. For such cases a gait transfer belt with side handles can be used. With two persons providing support to the patient it becomes easier to handle the person receiving assistance.  It also prevents the caretaker from developing back issues or other stress related injuries.

Learning to use a gait belt at home.

Posey Add-On Gait Belt Grips and Handles Before putting the gait transfer belt on a mobility patient, make sure that they know what you are doing and why. First, if they are lying down, have them sit up and slide forward to the edge of the bed or wheelchair. Have them lean forward so that you can wrap the belt around their waist. Move the loose end of the gait belt into the buckle and pull the other end to tighten the belt. Tighten it to just that extent that you can slip your fingers between the belt and the waist of your mobility patient. Slip your fingers into position from below the belt. Tighten your hold on the belt and stay in a crouched position with a straight posture. As you push the belt upwards ask him to slowly rise to his feet. If you are doing this step right then you will find that it does not take that much of an effort to help them stand up. Now, keep a constant upward force on the belt and ask them to walk slowly in your direction by firmly planting every step with a flat foot. Guide them to their destination by simply maneuvering yourself. Once you reach the edge of the surface that the patient will be resting upon, tell them to slowly sit down with a straight back. Make sure to keep applying a constant upward force throughout this process. Once they are safely settled onto the chair or other surface, remove the belt and tell them to slide back.

Precautions to take when using gait belts.
Posey Economy Transfer Belt
There are many different sizes of Gait Transfer Belts. Make sure that the size you get will fit around the waist of the patient without being too loose or too tight. When you tighten the belt make sure to tighten it just to that point where you can slip in your fingers comfortably. Keeping the gait bet too loose will allow the belt to slip, subjecting the patient and yourself to losing your balance and a possible fall. Always keep your back straight when supporting the patient. Do not twist or turn abruptly as you can very easily hurt your back. Lastly, remember a gait transfer belt is not made to help a person walk. It is meant to be used to provide support so that the person can be moved from one safe surface to another. Hence, always make sure that the destination is only a few steps away. You can achieve this with the help of a wheelchair or a walker.

It is always advisable to learn from a qualified caregiver the safe procedures to use at home while taking care of elderly or disabled people. Gait transfer belts are a helpful tool to protect patients and caregivers from injury.

Where can you find Transfer Belts?

Vitality Medical specializes in medical supplies and homecare products. With a broad selection numbering in the tens of thousands, you can find almost anything you might need, including gait belts. Visit them online today to check out their selection of Transfer Belts, Lift Assists, and Gait Belt Grips from Invacare, Posey and Scott Specialties. Vitality Medical delivers right to your door!

What are Portable Oxygen Concentrators?

The principle is pretty simple: oxygen therapy at much higher concentrations than that of normal air. The portable oxygen concentrator is quite similar to the home version except that it is easier to carry and is smaller. The purpose of the portable version is to make it possible for oxygen patients to travel and get out of their homes. Approved by the FAA for airplane oxygen, they are designed to fit into a car or other vehicle.

Portable Oxygen Concentrators Allow More Freedom

These are not new in the medical world, but they have become more streamlined and are now permitted on airplanes. They typically produce between one and five liters of oxygen per minute. Some have the added capability of being able to modify the flow from pulse to continuous. They can be recharged in a home electrical outlet; however, most also have an adapter that makes it possible to recharge them on an automobile DC adapter. They can also operate on battery power, which makes it possible for the patient to walk around with the portable oxygen concentrator, use it without plugging it into a power source, or take it along on an airplane.

Although a ruling by the FAA in 2005 required that commercial airlines permit certain portable oxygen concentrators on their aircraft, a ruling put into effect on May 13th of 2009 requires that all US air carriers permit the use of portable oxygen concentrators on all their flights, whether domestic or foreign. Also, all foreign air carriers must permit them on flights that begin in the US or end here.

However, it’s not quite that simple. Many domestic airlines require notification at least 48 hours before flight time, so oxygen therapy patients need to contact the reservations department of the airline they are planning to use for their trip early so they can be prepared. Also, some airlines will only accept certain travel oxygen concentrators. So be warned that if you require a portable oxygen concentrator, plan ahead. Call your reservation agent and get the specifics for your particular flight.

A patient only inhales oxygen when they breathe in. Modern oxygen concentrators accommodate this principle by supplying oxygen only when it is needed—when the patient is inhaling. When the patient breathes in, the machine sends a pulse of oxygen. The amount in the pulse is determined ahead of time according to the patient’s needs. Nowadays, there are some oxygen concentrators on the market that provide bursts of oxygen on demand. For example, when a patient is sleeping and his breathing rate is slower, the machine adjusts.

Respironics EverGo

Cell metabolism requires oxygen; tissue oxygenation is vital for everything the body does. Air is made up of only 21% oxygen. By increasing the amount of oxygen breathed in (what the oxygenator does), the levels of oxygen in the blood are increased. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is one of the conditions that require an increase in the amount of oxygen needed—an oxygen generator, in other words. COPD is usually caused by long-term smoking. In some cases, these patients are on an oxygenator 24 hours a day—both sleeping and waking.

This is only one example of a disease or condition where oxygen is required to keep a patient alive. In the past, these patients have been confined to their homes or hospital rooms. However, with the improvements in portability, they are now able to expand their lives to participate in more activities outside their homes, making their lives much better and happier.

Invacare SOLO2 Transportable Oxygen Concentrator

Vitality Medical supplies both home oxygen concentrators and portable oxygen concentrators. Noteworthy portable oxygen includes the SOLO2 which supplies pulse and continuous flow oxygen. The Respironics EverGo and the Invacare XPO2 are small and light weight, both under 9 pounds. Another notable portable concentrator is the Inogen One, known for its low noise operation at only 35 decibels. These medical oxygen concentrators require a prescription from a physician. Vitality Medical provides each of these leading brands at discount pricing. Call toll free 800-397-5899 and order your new portable oxygen concentrator today!